Meu perfil
Porto & Mar
35-year contract
Access channel in Santos may be leased in the first quarter of 2026
This is the estimated timeline provided by the Ministry of Ports and Airports for the concession, which could generate R$ 7 billion
In Santa Catarina
APS defines new leadership in Itajaí
André Bonini is the interim superintendent of the Santa Catarina port under the management of Autoridade Portuária de Santos (APS)
path taken by the cellulose
Logistics chain ensures cellulose transport to ports
From stock at the Mato Grosso do Sul factory, material travels by truck for distribution among ports across Brazil
Port of Santos
Santos will receive nearly 200,000 cruise passengers in January
Eight ships are scheduled for 28 port calls through the end of the month
Porto EN
Santos-Guarujá tunnel project goes to the Federal Court of Accounts
Estimation is that the bidding will take place in 2025
New resolution brings advances and changes to the naval sector
A resolution regulating the application of resources from the Merchant Marine Fund has been published
Federal Government announces rules for railway public calls
Measure aims to enhance efficiency in the use of the federal railway network
New decision
STJ suspends injunction, clearing path for Santos Port Authority takes management of port in Santa Catarina
Minister Antônio Herman Benjamin granted a request by the Union, suspending the effects of the precautionary measure
+ News
Port of Santos handles 167 million tons of cargo
Total accumulated in 2024 up to November
New record
Port in Rio Grande do Sul recovers after climatic catastrophe
Figures rise at Rio Grande do Sul’s main port
Federal Government creates committee to discuss the fuel of the future
Group with the participation of the Ministry of Ports and Airports Is officialized
Check the numbers
Container movement grows in Brazil
Increase of 9.6% in ports in October
Santos Port Authority to assume management of a port in Santa Catarina
Measure announced by the Federal Government, which resumed control of the Port of Itajaí
Needs improvements
Chaotic infrastructure of brazilian ports faces criticism
Planning can reduce bottlenecks
Antaq holds the final block of concessions; projected billion investments
Leases includes Rio, Amapá, and Alagoas
New projects
Naval sector: an additional R$ 10.5 billion to finance vessels
Funds are from the Merchant Marine Fund
Minister promises to more than double the Port of Santos, with expansion reaching other cities
Goal is to add 12.6 million m² of area in the coming years
New page
Antaq launches concessions dashboard for ports
Agency provides detailed information on each area
+ Lidas AT
Em comunidades
Ex-integrante do PCC diz que drones monitoram o litoral de São Paulo para a facção e detalha milícia; entenda
Chamado de Frank, o homem revela os bastidores da organização criminosa nas redes sociais
padrinho do gapa
Ney Latorraca deixa parte da herança ao Gapa em Santos como último ato de generosidade
Ator, falecido aos 80 anos, era padrinho da instituição e marcou sua relação com o grupo por apoio financeiro, direitos de imagem e laços de amizade
Que perigo
Deslizamento bloqueia rodovia do litoral de São Paulo e causa transtorno por mais de sete horas
Ocorrência ainda está em andamento; tráfego flui parcialmente no sistema pare e siga